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Cruise Ship

Pros and Cons of Cruising: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Controversy

June 06, 20233 min read

Asked often if I like to cruise or not. The answer is yes and no. Let me explain. - Ashley

Why I Don't Like Cruising:

Bulls on street

1. The Cattle Drive

You are in a contained space with a minimum of 2,200 on small ships and 5,000 on big ships of strangers. You feel like cattle getting on and off the ship, at the popular attractions like the slides, or in the main buffet dining rooms.

2. 1-800 Abyss with Hold Music

Without your own travel agent, trying to book a cruise or ask questions about your cruise just get you sucked into the 1-800 abyss. You will hear the same hold music for hours until you finally get a few rushed minutes with an agent. (This is one reason I suggest using a travel agent. They handle this stuff for you.)

3. Limited Port Time: Just the Highlights

You are only in port for 4 to 12 hours. You are going to get a small taste of each location, not enough to say you have been there. In that short amount of time, you will only get to visit the biggest tourist attractions.

Why I Like Cruising:

Cruise Ship

1. Seamless Country Hopping: Unpack Once

You go to sleep in Vietnam and wake up in Korea. I unpack my bags once but get to see multiple countries. None of the annoying packing and unpacking. You also know that you have a comfy bed and a warm shower waiting for you every night. Once on the ship, you can relax in the comfort and entertainment of a 5-star resort while the resort moves.

2. Try Before You Commit: Cruise Port Sampling

I get to experience a bit of each port, if I like it, I can plan a longer more in-depth visit. Committing to spending your whole vacation in a country halfway around the world that you have only seen in pretty videos is a big deal. Cruises allow you the sample each port. If it's a good fit, you can come back for an in-depth experience. If that country isn't a good fit, you haven't blown all the money and time visiting someplace you really don't enjoy.

3. Unforgettable Sights at Sea: Glaciers, Walruses and an Albatross

While sailing you get to see things, you cannot experience from land. We Have seen glaciers up close, walruses hanging out on little icebergs, and the albatross at the Cape of Hope. Bonus the sunset and sunrises at sea are beyond gorgeous.

4. Budget-Friendly Bliss: All-Inclusive Cruises for Extended Family

Cruises work well when traveling with extended family. Many of us like traveling with our whole family, but it can be stressful since everyone is in a different economic place. The ones with the bigger bank account feel obligated to pick up more of the tab, and the ones with smaller bank accounts feel guilty and stressed from this. Cruises are all-inclusive. A cruise can be booked up to 3 years out. Everyone knows on day one what the main cost is and can budget for the trip. Therefore, the stress of paying for the trip is removed.

5. Happiness for All Ages: Cruise Ship Adventures

A cruise provides activities for everyone. Only a teenager having a bad attitude moment cannot find something they enjoy doing on a cruise ship. From the planned daily activities to the nightly shows, water slides, spas, and kids' clubs, every person in your group with be happy somewhere. Also, the ports allow a different set of activities at each stop.

As you can see there are good and bad with cruising. I see the purpose and well the assets of cruises in my annual travel plans, but cruising will never be my only form of travel.

Reach out if you have more questions about cruises. I am always more than willing to help a fellow traveler. And be sure to check out my Norwegian Cruise Line page here.

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cruisecruisingtravel agentporttourist attractionscontained spacebookingmultiple countriesunpackingall-inclusiveactivitiesbudgetcruise activitiespros and cons of cruises
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